In the age of Internet marketing, video marketing is one of the most powerful strategies for any kind of business. If you have not included any video in your marketing strategy till now, then you should use it right now. Video is now the favorite medium for consuming online information for the most of internet users.
According to Hubspot statistics, 87% of video marketers say that video has increased traffic to their website and 80% of video marketers claim that video has directly increased sales.
These results indicate the importance of the video marketing. People are spending more time in social networking sites. it is an opportunity for a business to target their audience in social networking sites by creating high quality videos.
Video Content Shares Most
People share Video content more rather than other forms of content such as Slide decks, PDFs or audio-based files. They also interested to share your video content to their connection if it is required. Most people are like to watch short videos that are within 2 minutes. Creating short videos are good way to share in the people’s network and get your message going viral.
Video Content Attracts People to Retain
If you want to update or educate your visitor then video marketing is a good way. It has been proven that the people want see video content more rather than the text messages. As a result, video content gives stronger and longer-lasting results to your visitor who may turn to your potential customer.
Algorithms Give Priority to Video Content
Digital platforms like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram are continuously changing their algorithms for better user specific videos. Their algorithm can gives videos to the certain users who want to see similar types of videos. If your video content has high quality videos with useful information then it gets prioritized by algorithms.
Video Content Builds Trust
Video creates trust oriented environment for your visitor. In the case of a text-heavy webpage, one can doubt the authenticity of the content on that page. They may think the content can be copied and pasted from somewhere else. Users realize that creating a video content takes more effort. That the reason they trust the message provided by the band. As visualize someone as a representative for your brand, helps your visitor to hear their voice and see their personality.
Video Content can be Animated
Some brands use storytelling to tell some stories that may be difficult to explain in text. Animated videos can be created for an extraordinary story or message to tell. In real life that kind of story may not possible to shoot a video. Creating this type of video gives a life to your brands. Animation gives brands a new level of content flexibility and really emphasises the effectiveness of video content.
Video Content gives access to Online Platforms
Video marketing gives you access to the online platforms to share your stories about you brand. High quality, meaningful and stunning video is getting time to create. But once it has created, you can utilize it various digital platforms like YouTube, Facebook etc.
Video Content Provides High Return On Investment
A video Content provides a higher ROI (return on investment) than other content formats as it have capacity of retaining customers. It also gives you the ability to express information in a non-intrusive manner. Video marketing assists in creating knowledge about your products and services and engaging your target audience.
Please remember the above factors when choosing the videos for your marketing campaign. In Eazy Walkers, we help you to choose the right videos for video marketing in reaching out to your target audience. So, if you’re thinking about creating in video content, feel free to get in touch with us.